Tree Tagging
We want to make sure that your tree selection and harvesting is an enjoyable experience.
We are providing opportunities for families to take their time to choose their tree, tag it, and then come back on the date you have chosen to harvest the tree. By spreading out the selection process over a longer period, we hope to avoid crowding on our farm.
Other reasons to tag trees are (1) that you can select a great tree earlier in the season than when the tree should be cut (Norway and white spruce shouldn’t be cut until December), and return to harvest it when it will stay fresh through Christmas, (2) you can have fun and imagine what a tree will look like one or even two years ahead of its harvest, reserve it now, and not have to worry about where to look for a tree to purchase for the next one or two years. The tags I have designed appear to be impervious to the weather and will easily last 2 years!
How tagging works: Our farm has 92 rows of trees. Each row has a metal tag at each end identifying the row. From the center aisle of the farm, count the number of trees to find the position of the tree you wish to tag. We will provide a tag, clipboard, and pencil.

You will write the row and position of your tree, your name, phone number, and the date that you expect to return to harvest the tree. Attach the tag at chest height on your tree, on the side facing our house. A tear-off receipt that you take with you has the row and position number of the tree, and a reminder of the date that you have promised to harvest the tree. If the tree is not harvested by the end of the specified day, farm staff will call you, and then remove the tag if you are not going to return for that tree. We now allow and even encourage customers to choose and tag a tree one year in advance of harvest!
Here is what the tags look like: